In my past, I've made mistakes in my relationships. I've learned a lot from them but at those times I was being a shithead. I could have been better.
I think those times even I didn't even know I could be that way and a conversation I had with an ex now it's years later was that we both were being not great to each other. She regretted and I did too. I know that in relationships after me, women will have to take that experience and learn from me too. We do have to heal.
Relationships are tough work because you like this person much you want to understand and be with them. It causes fights. Now that I'm older I think most women that are older try to test you because of past events that has happened to them. As a guy, it's up to you to learn from how you treated women in the past and learn from it. The tough situations you faced and how to grow to become a better dude.
Thanks for your article.