This was genuine and nice. I recently have gotten back into approaching women in-person. One of my major factors is body language and eyes. Something I can't read online.
Most women I have approached have been sweet on the rejection as compared to a women (in general) online. I've had good and bad experiences.
I walk up to them and ask "Hey, I thought you were really cute, and I want to introduce myself". Or if we have a conversation already running then I ask her out on a date. If there is no then excuse yourself. However you do it.
Now that I'm 30, most women are married or have a boyfriend so the dating pool decreased a lot as compared to when I was in my early 20s.
Women have said back "You're very charming, but I am married." or "I am flattered, but I have a boyfriend".
You have to kind of shoot your shot. The hardest part, for me, is finding someone who is single and attractive.
I do wish however women asked me out occasionally. I can tell if a woman is dropping hints but I would rather have someone that is a little more aggressive in knowing what she wants.